Observations while traveling

wing of plane

Observations . . .

The Security Check point line is LONG. How long, very. Thank goodness I have the TSA pre-check symbol on my boarding pass. I show my boarding pass and ID and am directed to the pre-check line. Only 3 people ahead of me. AWESOME. In addition to it being a shorter line, I do not have to remove my shoes, take my laptop out of my carry-on or remove the light jacket I’m wearing.

I only travel with carry on luggage so once we land, I’m ready to go. The business traveler behind me is nice but he is ‘crowding’ my space shall we say. One of those guys that thinks if he nudges a little by being close you’ll go faster. No big deal, I get my stuff on the conveyor belt and go through the X-ray scanner. All clear. I’m trying to get my two bags together as well as the one little tray with my cellphone and sunglasses. This guy is huffing and puffing away. I move out of the way for him and receive a nod of thanks. Funny, the lady behind him is now huffing and puffing for HIM to hurry up.

Time to board. A nice gentleman helps me with my large carry on that goes up top. I thank him step into the area where my seat is. I’m on the aisle so I don’t sit down and buckle up yet. I’m thinking I’m going to have the row to myself when just before they close the doors, my row mate arrives. Up goes his bag, in he goes to the window seat and we’re off.

The guy in the seat in front of me keeps reclining his seat as far as it will go. I am very glad to have the seat next to me to use the tray as its little hard to use my tray when the seat in front of me is almost in my lap.

I needed to use the bathroom. The first time, I went in after a woman. She had wiped down the counter top so that it was dry, closed the toilet lid and left the small space immaculate.

The next time, Oh My. A man steps out. There is water all over the counter. Not only is the lid up but the seat as well and bits of paper towels thrown about. What a mess. Not cool Dude!

The unloading of the airplane is an adventure. I’ve noticed that a lot of the men turn their phones back on well before we have been given the okay. They are making calls and texting. The process of retrieving one’s carry-on from the upper storage is alway fun. I manage to get mine down and then stack my other piece on top and away I roll.

On my next flight, I am lucky enough to be at the bulkhead. There is plenty of room to stretch my legs and stand. It is easy to walk around a bit too. Both my bags are in the upper storage and the flight isn’t full. Let me just say that toilet experiences were similar. Men – messy, Women – neat.

It is time to begin my journey home. I am at the airport with loads of time before my  flight boards. I enjoy watching the different passengers. There is one guy who is fascinating. He approaches the waiting area scanning and looking for the best spot for his group. He spots it, stakes out his claim and positions his group around the area. He spies an outlet and decides to charge his phone. He leaves explicit instructions with the young man (about 12) stationed at the outlet. The kid nods and takes his duties seriously and watches over the baggage and electronics like a hawk.

Another guy is sprawled out taking up as much space as he can. He’s got his carry-on piece on one seat, his rolling bag in front of another and his leg draped over the seat next to him. I guess he doesn’t want ANYONE near him.

The time for boarding is approaching. The 1st class passengers are usually nonchalant. I’m sure you’ve seen them. They are off to the side while the rest of us are just on the edge of the welcome ropes on the General boarding side since we are not allowed to enter the privileged area reserved for 1st class, etc. Really, two different roped off areas just to go past the check in point? The attendant actually undoes the rope for the 1st class et al. When finished with them. She ropes off the area and opens the other side for the rest of us. The people that were thinking they could sneak in on that side are trapped. They are no longer in position to be first in line.

I board the plane and take my place next to the window. It is a two seat area near the front. Looks as if I’m going to have the row to myself but another passenger shows up. A real Gent.

“The two biggest people on the plane and they sit us next to each other.” He says and then adds “This will not do.”

Oh my what a fun ride this is going to be. He complains to the Flight crew and is informed that if there are any vacant seats after we take off, he is welcome to change. As the doors are closed, we are informed that it is a completely full flight so my seat mate will not be moving.

The flight wasn’t too bad after all. He talked with the family across the aisle. It turned out that he knew them. That must have brightened his spirits because he became friendlier after that.

For those taking notes . . . The bathroom situation men and women, worked out the same. Men were messy and the women neat on this flight as well.

I have one more flight to go to get back home. Another full flight. We are elbow to elbow. It is a pleasant enough flight but the results with the bathroom are again the same as on previous flights.

Hey Guys, step it up, clean up after yourselves. What would your mother think? Wink wink

3 thoughts on “Observations while traveling

  1. Don’t you just love flying? It’s never fun, but a necessity if you want to get anywhere. So, we just suck it up and make do. Good job, Fran, explaining the “joys” of flying.

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