Dear America . . .

Dear America . . .

OUR UNITED States . . .

Four years ago, 2016, an election was won because one candidate was more feared and despised than the other.


the country survived

This year, 2020, again, an election was won because one candidate was more despised and hated than the other.


the rhetoric


the hatred


separating into Us and them

We need

to come together . . .

We need

to put aside our disgust and hatred for ‘them’

We need

to remember, the WE and the OUR

We need

to work together

Find common ground on which to build . . .

Wear the shoes in which others have walked

Travel that different road

Have real conversations

When we . . .

Come together in

Peace and Harmony . . .

For the



OUR children

OUR country

Open our ears

Open our eyes

And open OUR heart

OUR country will survive.