Inquiry #364 Worst Date?


A question was asked on Facebook. “What was your worst date?”

Wow, flashback. It didn’t take  any time to remember my worst date. This date can qualify in a couple of categories. Worst Blind date, worst date ever, and, weirdest movie choice for a first date to name just a few.

Some friends set up the blind date for me. I don’t remember the guy’s name (talk about blocking something from your memory) so I will refer to him as Don. He was a friend of a friend. Don seemed nice on the phone and after all, my friend knew him, right? So I accepted his offer to go on a date.

This was before cell phones or the internet. Friends and friends of friends was an acceptable way of meeting people.The rule of keeping a dime in your purse so you could call home if you needed to get out of the date was a big deal. (more on that later) Movies were a routine first date. It was cheaper than going to dinner and possibly easier to have a conversation after the movie as you now had something in common to discuss. Trust me, it was a very different time.

Don arrived on Friday at the correct time and was nicely dressed. My Dad was still at work so Don was only able to meet my mom. He was polite and promised to have me home on time. Oh did I mention curfews? Yes, we had those back then. If you lived at home, you had rules to abide by and obey. Believe me, it was a far different time.

Don opened the car door for me. Chivalry had not quite died and guys were still opening car doors etc. It was the decorum and courtesies of the day. AND the guy picked the movie. He was in charge of the date. Yeah, laugh all you want now but that is how it was.

Don told me the movie we were going to see. “Prime Cut” with Lee Marvin and Gene Hackman. I’ll just say that it was NOT a movie on my must see list. Two great actors but I understood that it was a rather gory movie and rated ‘R’ This was also the era of the single Movie Theater. Not like today with multiplexes where one has a choice of numerous movies and times. (Clue #1)

The next little bomb that Don dropped, as we were driving to the Theater, is: It’s a Drive-in. What? A drive-in movie on a first date? This is not looking good. Drive-in movies were cheaper than theaters, as you paid by the car not by the person. Another rule was; nice girls don’t go to drive in theaters alone with a guy. Anyone see a Red Flag? (Clue #2) Silly me, I didn’t even think that I had a say in the matter. The woman I am today would not have continued the date. BUT, not wanting to rock the boat and thinking it couldn’t get any worse, I didn’t say “Take me home now.”

Don turned into the theater driveway and we got in line. It was dusk but not dark yet so there was adequate light to drive up and down the rows, test the speakers and maneuver the car into the optimal movie viewing position. The front of the car needed to be on the rise/bump just  enough to allow one to sit back in the seat with a full view of the screen (almost like being home and sitting on the couch). Don rolled the window down and attached the speaker on the window. I recall it being a nice evening, not cold or too hot so the window being down a bit didn’t matter. We got lucky with the speaker. It was pretty good and we could hear well, no static. Yes, so lucky, so much easier  to hear the screams, gun shots and overall carnage going on. Only one speaker to a car which Don made sure was on his side. (Controlling much?)

A short cartoon was shown first followed by a few previews. (I wonder now, why show a cartoon? Children had no business seeing the two movies scheduled to be shown. Heck, I didn’t have any business being there!)  (Clue #3)

My polite, well dressed date didn’t even spring for popcorn or a drink. He just sat back in his seat and proceeded to talk about how much he had been looking forward to this movie. I was grateful that the car had bucket seats with a 4 on the floor in between. Don’t know what I would have done if it was a bench seat. Don’t get me started!

This movie, in my humble opinion, is difficult to watch. It had everything a Chauvinistic PIG like Don would like. Naked women, gratuitous sex, guns, guns, guns, violence, gory, gory scenes. Oh, did I mention the sausage factory where they grind up the victims and make them into sausages? Or the ‘cattle’ auction? Oh My God. LET ME OUT!!!

Stupid me, I said I had to go to the bathroom and got out of the car. Remember that dime I had in my purse? Fat lot of good it did me. No one was going to rescue me! My mom had gone next door to the neighbors and my dad was already 3 sheets to the wind by the time I called. I stayed in the Snack bar area until the movie was almost over.

Don was really into the movie. Mr Wonderful didn’t even know how long I had been gone. Nice guy, right? Looks and charm can be so misleading! The movie finally ended and he said he had to make a pit stop before the next movie started. When Don got back to car at last I found my voice and said that I didn’t want to stay for the 2nd movie and wanted to go home.

Don was nice bout it and took me home. He asked if we could go on another date but I said “no but thank you.” He walked me to the door and yes wait for it, EXPECTED to make out. OH LORD. I pushed him away in disbelief. Thank GOD my dad heard us at the door and in his drunken stupor threw the door open and said “Who’s out there?” Confronted with an angry sounding drunk father, Don turned and hightailed it to his car. Never to be heard from again. I think that is the only time I was glad that my dad came to the door as I was getting home from a date.

I have never been on another blind date nor do I expect to agree to one in the future. I have been scarred for life! I ask you, how does this compare to your worst date?

2 thoughts on “Inquiry #364 Worst Date?

  1. Sure sounds like a pretty bad date! What a guy.. I can’t say I’ve ever been on a bad date, but my boyfriend is the only one I’ve been on a date with, and we obviously worked out, haha!

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