What’s that Buzzing???

Bees on window sill

I was at my friend’s office the other day when we heard something buzzing. we looked around. Hmmmm, there were a few bees inside the office. They were buzzing around the windows. We thoughts, they were trying to get outside. Upon further inspection, we found some dead bees on the window sill and on the floor near the windows.

Okay, this is weird. What’s going on? My friend called the building manager and told her about the bees. Pretty soon the maintenance guy shows up to fix a light outside the window and noticed the bees. By this time there were a lot more bees flying around. He came in, took some photos and a video and he too called the building manager. He looks around to see if he can figure out how the bees are coming in. None of us can figure it out.

About 30 minutes later a ‘Bug’ truck shows up. We watch as the bug guy gets out of his truck, walks along the side of the building, disappears and then goes back to his truck to don his ‘bee protection’ clothes. He heads back down the side of the building.

Another ‘Bug’ truck shows up and this gentleman slowly walks down the side of the building. Next thing we see, he is running back to his truck to get his ‘bug’ clothes on. We don’t know what is going on but suddenly there are even more bees inside the office!

The guys are now walking confidently back to their trucks. We motion to them to come inside. They come to the door and we tell them about the bees inside.

“What? There are bees inside?” the one guy asks. He then looks down and sees the dead bees on the floor and the the ones at the windows.

“Where are they coming from?”

“We don’t know.” We all start looking up and around. That is when we see a couple of bees climb out to a very small hole near the drop ceiling. Yikes! That is where they are getting in!

The bug guys step out of the office for a few minutes. The next thing we know, the ‘Bug Boss’ shows up. (Yes, that is what the license plate on his truck says)They start conferring and then come back inside the office.

“We need to get up into the crawlspace to see if we can locate the hive.”

Now my friend and I are really getting uncomfortable. Weird, but,  it’s like watching a horror movie. You can’t leave in the middle of it. You have to see how it ends, right?

The guys find a way to get to the crawl space. There is quite a discussion going on. I think the two original guys are playing ‘rock, paper, scissors’ to see which one has to go into the crawlspace. The loser starts the climb up the ladder. The ‘Bug Boss’ starts tapping the ceiling to let him know which way to head. They are shouting back and forth to each other.

Muffled through the ceiling we hear ‘Yup, found it!’ More discussion at the foot of the ladder. The ‘Bug Boss’ comes over and starts to explain to my friend what they are going to do.

“Whoa, you need to call the building manager.” she says.

“Okay, but I wanted to let you know that we are going to be here for awhile and it’s going to be messy.”

The men start moving furniture in the conference room and closing all the doors. The sliding doors near where we are sitting don’t close all the way so the bees are still finding a way to get to the big windows.

The work begins. A large hole is cut into the area where the ceiling meets the dropped wall of the soffit. That is where the very small hole is that the bees are using to ‘go to the light.’

As they break through the drywall, the smell of honey hits you right in the face. Not only that but, it is starting to drip down the wall and onto the floor. Thank goodness they put some black trash bags down to try to protect the carpet. (Not enough but at least they tried)

The bug guys remove the hive (or most of it) and depart. Mr. Bug Boss hangs out for a while waiting for the building manager to come by. When she does, what a sight she beholds.

The overwhelming smell of honey wafts through the door to the conference room upon swinging open. Next a gaping hole in the ceiling, honey dripping down the wall, dead bees stuck in the honey, the carpet is saturated with honey and as one steps from the carpet to the tile floor, a sucking sound is heard as shoes stick to the floor with each step. YUCK.

Plans are made as to repairs, and clean up. Now that we know how the story ends, my friend and I are out of there.

7 thoughts on “What’s that Buzzing???

  1. I have mixed emotions about this story, Fran … considering the circumstances, I would definitely want to eradicate the bees and the hive … but then we read all about the bee population being destroyed by chemicals (remember, I’m an organic gardener and consumer) … ’tis a predicament …

    Just curious — did you sample the honey 😉

    • They had relocated the bees on a previous occasion. They did not know that the hive was as extensive as it was and that it went so far into the building. No, was not able to sample the honey as they has sprayed something on it making it inedible. I agree, was a predicament.

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