The Sofa



Suddenly a sofa appeared in front of the house by the curb. This is where ‘bulky items’ are placed for pick up by the sanitation department. The sofa was indeed a bulky item. Overstuffed arms and back and covered in a floral print. The print was subdued in color but the flowers were rather large. Sometimes people drive through neighborhoods looking for free stuff. Though it appears in good shape, I don’t think this item will be chosen by random ‘curb surfers’ looking for free stuff.

When I drove by later in the day, a man was sitting on the sofa watching the world go by. Now, I don’t know if the gentleman was taking a rest while on a walk or a member of the household. If he lives at the house, maybe he loves the sofa and is having separation issues.

The next day when I drove by, the same man was on the sofa and this time, a young boy was with him petting a HUGE rabbit. The rabbit jumped out of his arms as I was getting close. I stopped and watched as the lad chased the rabbit from the street and back to the yard. I waved and slowly drove past.

This was getting interesting. The sofa is still sitting near the curb as I leave the following day. In addition to the sofa, there is now a small cage for a dog, cat or possibly a rabbit (?) near the sofa with the door open and a couple of carrots along with a dish with water. Oh my, maybe the rabbit stayed out all night. Good luck little buddy. Lots of predatory animals in the area.

Again, later in the day, I drove by and saw the sofa in place and gentleman firmly ensconced and watching the world pass. The cage was gone so hopefully the rabbit is safe and sound inside the house. I think I’m becoming attached to this vignette.

As I drove past today, sofa and gentleman still in place. There is a red tag on the sofa now. Sadly, the Sofa Saga will be coming to an end as the red tag means that the Sanitation Department has noticed the item and have scheduled a pick up.

Mr. Sofa is taking time to ‘smell the roses’ or exhaust in his case. We should take a page from his book. I wonder if a chair will be put in the front yard somewhere so the gentleman can sit and watch the world drive by. I’ll keep an eye out and let you know.

Remember to   Stop     Look   and   Listen. You never know what wonders might come into your life.

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