Inquiry #363 Cats or Dogs?

Cat for blog              Dog for Blog 1

In my humble opinion, Cats are like women and Dogs are like men.

Cats are independent and aloof. They want to be cuddled on their terms and when they feel like it. If they have a ‘headache’ they will just hiss, growl or just simply walk away with their tail held high. If they are an indoor cat, they like the litter box cleaned daily and will howl if you haven’t done your part in keeping their needs met. An untidy littler box is not to be tolerated. A cat that is both an indoor and outdoor cat will wake you up in the morning by pouncing on your chest and meowing  loudly to let you know it is time to open the window or door to allow them access to the outside world. A strictly outdoor cat will come to the door or window and meow repeatedly to alert you that it is feeding time. My experience with cats is as mainly indoor only.

When they are ready for their cuddle time, they  will saunter over to your lap, climb onto it, then give you the ‘look’ and wait for the petting to begin. Purring is a good sign that you are doing it right and they are satisfied with the attention being given. No purring? Watch the ears. If they start to go flatter against their head, Stop, gently get them off your lap and then run into another room and lock the door. An attack is about to occur. The ears and eyes are the keys to cat behavior. Oh, almost forgot, watch out for the  stalking mode. If you are the prey, so to speak, that one can be interesting. This is another time to run for cover or just toss something at the little bugger.

Sometimes they will just sit near you to let you know that you are in their good graces BUT, they don’t want to be disturbed. When they are like this, DO NOT attempt to pet them. They only want to be near you but are not in the mood to be touched. Trust me on this one.

My cat would like to have his food bowl filled to the brim. He was a grazer. Not one to eat when I put the food down (he only ate dry food) he would eat when he felt like it. Thus the morning ritual of walking me to his bowl and giving me a look that said “Make sure the bowl is full before you leave the house, or else!” Since the bowl was almost always full, I never did learn what the or else, part was and I’m glad not to have experienced it.

Now dogs? That is entirely other story all together. These guys are demanding. They want your attention constantly and will do almost anything to get it. Bark, whine, jump up at you as if you’ve been gone for weeks and even pee or poop on the floor right in front of you. Some breeds get so excited to have you home that the have slight ‘piddle’ accidents. Mind you it is only a little dribble but it is still messy to clean up.

Yes, in my opinion, Dogs are like men: See me, Hear me, I’m right here, look, look at me. Let’s go play outside. Oh, how about a game of fetch? Hey look at this cool stick that I found in the yard. I love shoes, they are soft and taste good to chew on. Wood is another yummy item. Chair and table legs, even the door jamb.

Dogs want to be pet all the time. They will sit at your feet and look lovingly at you until you touch them and assure them that they are loved. A paw placed on your knee with a head tilt or soft whimper. A head laid in your lap as a thank you for just being home.

Dogs love to eat. Is it time to eat yet? I’m hungry. Treat, did you say you’d give me a treat. Want me to do a trick? Sure, sit, stay, shake hands, roll over, dance? Watch me, tail wag, tail wag, tail wag until you give them their treat.

They will Beg whenever food is around. They want a piece of anything and everything even if it is not good for them. Yes, dogs will eat to excess and then throw up on your favorite rug/pillow/sofa etc. Then they will look at you with sad eyes that will melt your heart and make you forget why you were upset. Men can have that effect on you too.

I am lucky because I have a doggy door and my little Diva can go in and out at her pleasure. No need to alert me to her needs to relieve herself. Dogs that don’t have a doggy door are not as easy. One friend has rigged a bell to her back door. The dog will hit the bell when he either needs to or wants to go outside. It works well for her though, sometimes the bell is rung just to get her attention. At night her dog goes into his crate for ‘night night’. Leo lets her know if he’s been in there long enough and will yelp that it is time to get up etc.

I’ve had both a cat and a dog. For many years only a cat. Then for the last 5 years I’ve had both. Now I only have a dog. So ,I guess you could say that I do have a man in my life.

Not sure what your preference is or if you even concur with my assessment of Cats being like women and Dogs like men. Would be interesting to know your thoughts.

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