Inquiry #361: Dating, Who’s up for it?



My children told me a few years ago that it was okay with them if I wanted to start dating. In fact they were hoping that I would. My daughter even went as far as setting me up on without telling me. The profile she created was interesting to say the least. I did nothing with the profile and I’m fairly certain that it has been dropped by now.

The whole dating thing is so foreign to me at this stage of my life. I’m not sure if I want to ‘dive in’ so to speak.

Let’s ponder the many varied available ‘dating’ websites. . .

Some of the ones I’ve come across are: Yea, lots of fish out there just waiting to get ‘hooked’, just be careful of the ‘bait’ you put in the water. I had actually signed up on this site and boy, the fish are interesting if nothing else. You have to pay a fee if you actually want to communicate with any of the prospects. I have’t upgraded my membership so I just get the alerts that someone has ‘flirted’ with me. Sigh, that is enough for now from this site. There are some really weird fish in that ocean. This one we’ve all heard of and the commercials are all over TV. Now they are using the grand daughter to get people to sign up. As if at 8 she’s an expert like her Grampa. Heaven help us. this one is billed as ‘for the over 50 crowd’. When you sign up on this site, your profile also gets posted on the sister sites: Senior and What an advantage. One stop shopping just not sure if it is the right shop.

A few other over 50 sites are: and
Wow, such choices. Is there an upper age limit I wonder? I mean really, at some point there might be just a tad bit of memory lapses shall we say. Will the guy or gal that your interested in even remember to go back on the site? Will they remember that you set up a date and will they remember to show up? Need to check into the upper age limit aspect.

Maybe I shouldn’t limit myself to the over 50 crowd sites. There are other options available after all.

These more selective sites sound interesting . . . Yes, a site where only Christians can mingle. Are the Christians broken down into Catholic, Baptist, Presbyterian etc? There are so many ‘types’ of Christians and not all of them agree on what a ‘Christian’ is.  I wonder, is there a site for the Buddhist community? How about Islam? I think I will stay away from the religious sites for now. Too much to think about with those.

Now here is an interesting one: The tag line is: ‘City folks, just don’t get it.’ A site for farmers, ranchers, etc., you know, just country folks. Hmmm, how does living on a farm sound? Up with the Chickens, to bed with the cows. Mucking around with the horses, pigs etc. Okay, I’ll admit it, ‘I don’t get it!’ nor do I want it. Thank you for letting me know ahead of time that ‘City Folks just don’t get it.’

So the inquiry remains; Am I up for dating? I just don’t know. Maybe I’ll give it a try. Who knows what the future holds. I’ll start with putting a toe in the dating water and see what happens.

Any advice will be appreciated.

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