Talking to you is like talking to a Dining Room Table

I overheard this recently and have been trying to understand the phrase “talking to you is like talking to a dinning room table”.
Does that imply that a kitchen table might be easier to talk to because it is in the kitchen and sees more action?
Is a dresser or an armoire more enlightening because of all the different drawers where secrets might be stashed? It has organization, everything is in one place and in order.
A chair on the other hand, not so much. It just sees asses all day long and wouldn’t have any other opinion except that everyone is an ass.
Oh yeah. A piano, it brings music and entertainment into the mix when the right person is around! Love when that happens.
So I now think I might have an idea of the dining room table analogy. It is seldom used except for Holidays and company. So it doesn’t get ‘out’ very much and when it does, it is either so upset over the family arguments, you know how that goes. When the family gets together for the obligatory ‘Christmas Dinner’ but then somebody offends another someone and then feelings are hurt. Before you know it, everyone leaves not to be spoken to for another 12 months until the next Christmas dinner! Or the conversation is so over the table’s head that it can’t follow. It is rather flat after all. In addition, it hears ‘voices’ all at once sort of like the tower of Babel.
We have already addressed the kitchen table with the more action thing and the kitchen is the center of the home. Good things happen there. So it is only slightly better than being called a dinning room table.
I can see the analogy to a dresser or armoire more clearly as stated above. This would be reserved for complicated, orderly people with whom you could have an interesting conversation.
I really like the chair analogy because you can call someone a chair and really be calling them an ass and they wouldn’t even realize it!
Now the Piano is a really special piece of furniture. It is pretty to look at and has so many possibilities.
It is so much clearer now.  I hope that you enjoy my thoughts on the dinning room table.
I consider you my Piano, entertaining, nice to look at and with endless possibilities.
But don’t be offended if I call you a chair once in awhile!!

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