
I have been contemplating the distance between the center of an object and the fringe to which it is attached. I wonder if the object even recognizes the presence of the fringe or whether the fringe is essential to the object’s identity.

Is the fringe an adornment for the object? Does it belong on the object? Is it dangling there without purpose? These are the questions that have been on my mind lately.

Let’s compare fringe on a vest to fringe related to a celebrity. The fringe on a vest sometimes gets in the way and, if removed, the vest is altered. The vest still exists even without the fringe.

Celebrity, too, has fringes attached. Those on the edges of celebrities believe themselves to be an extension of said celebrity. When tired of it, the celebrity enjoys the fringe and will delete it when another fringe of more interest comes along. The celebrity, as with the vest, will continue to exist minus the fringe and oftentimes be enhanced by the alteration.

The fringe, on the other hand, is lost and adrift without the attachment. Once removed, the identity of the fringe is attached to the vest or celebrity, and the fringe suffers. Consider fringe is looking for validation. The need to be attached to something gives the fringe purpose. Alone, fringe is exciting and beautiful on its own, yet it sits idly by, waiting with anticipation to be an extension of something bigger.

Some people, similar to fringe, do not view themselves as enough. To accept ourselves as ENOUGH, warts and all, is perceived by many as out of reach. To be attached to someone or something, no matter how tenuous, is better than waiting on a shelf.

To shine on the sidelines, in authenticity, believing in oneself is, and loving oneself wholeheartedly, a lifelong journey. The sparkle may sometimes fade, yet the opportunity is constantly available to brush off the dust, tarnish, and beam brightly again.

We are all simultaneously fringe and the vest in small and larger ways. Accept the fringe some days and enjoy the vest on others.

2 thoughts on “FRINGE

  1. You, my beautiful friend, beam so brightly! I will never stop being amazed by your introspection, creativity, and insights. You are so incredibly talented. I can’t wait to read more!

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